Friday, December 21, 2007

Ring Out Solstice Bells!

I spent my day at the till telling my customers that I was going to celebrate the solstice tonight. Some showed vague interest. Others just hurried away with that added edge of urgency.

A man wearing a 'Hell's Angels' leather jacket arrived with a woman. The woman seemed interested - 'So it's when the days start to get longer then is it?'. She seemed pleased.

I felt encouraged. I told them that tonight was the start of my holiday. I told them that I knew of no theological arguments about the solstice or wars that had been fought over it. The solstice exists. That is all there is to it. The days start getting longer and that is great.

Then the man surprised me by saying 'But Jesus existed!'. I was completely taken aback. I felt that I had been wrong footed. I opened my mouth and heard myself say 'But his birthday wasn't in December!' I had no idea if this was true or not. I thought that he was going to be enthusiastic about my plans to celebrate the solstice - but instead he had gone all defensive of Christianity on me. He came up, wagged a finger in my face, saying 'You're a cunt, you are.' and walked off.